With odds running at higher than 40% chance of Ukraine winning the competition, compared with its closest rival Italy at a mere 15% chance and the third closest Sweden at just 10% chance. It is certainly looking like a forgone conclusion that Ukraine will win the 2022 Eurovision song contest, with a landslide victory, lets all vote for Ukraine to win!
Eurovision song contest 2022 winner Ukraine. The entry from the Ukrainian band the very talented, Kalush Orchestra, Stefania, with lead singer, Ihor Didenchuk at the helm. The band have been given special permission by the president of Ukraine to go on tour and promote their outstanding talent. Previously, the band had found it hard to practice together due to their difficult circumstances. Now they have had sufficient time and a chance to work closely together in order to perfect their Eurovision song winning entry. We highly recommend you take a look at our professionally mastered video here to enjoy a glimpse into this award winning work, go on dive in.
Переможець пісенного конкурсу Євробачення 2022 Україна Калуський оркестр. З імовірністю понад 40% шансів, що це виглядає як попередній висновок про те, що Україна переможе на пісенному конкурсі Євробачення 2022 року. Full master mix video by Ukrainian superstar. extended play. Full Lyrics to come. Who is Ihor Didenchuk. who is Kalush Orchestra Stefania #standwithukraine #eurovision #eurovision2022
Ukraine wins the Eurovision song contest 2022