What I understand, even if it’s quiet, it doesn’t mean that nothing is going on. The city is really big and, in addition, there are a lot of small towns and villages around. But Telegram channels and Instagram stories bring everything to light. So, it is fake calmness and stability, because right now from the other side the Russians launched GRAD missiles aiming at the suburbs where people live.
Imagine that your feed is filled with such news and even pictures.
You can’t leave your house. And it is not like the Coronavirus lockdown. It is dramatically different. No mask can save your life, neither antiseptics do. So, the limited space of a flat can drive you crazy (of course it is a bit better than the limited space of a cellar). I continue spending time looking at one point at the wall frozen with animal fear.
My mother asked me to mop the floor. It is very strange. I feel no power and ability to move at all. This is actually bad. I have mentioned that my body can perform really well. 12-15 burpees are not a problem at all, but now I have no energy at all… Of course, I obey (but still don’t understand the sense of clean space for dead people).
This makes me think that I need to make my body move. I even search for a workout on YouTube. It takes a lot of effort to begin.